Smokey Bear at Camp Wa-Ri-Ki

Your donations support memories like this one.

Camp Wa-Ri-Ki alumni, supporters, Kiwanis members and students in Key Club, and community friends have helped us continue to support our mission to provide an outdoor experience that offers optimal child development and community growth through recreational, educational and leadership opportunities…

The Giving Event: This year Camp Wa-Ri-Ki was a proud partner of Give More 24!, our region’s first ever, 24-hour online giving challenge.  This exciting event, organized by the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington, launched at 7 a.m. on September 18th.  The first time event raised over $339,000 dollars for around 80 local organizations.  You can see the drive’s Leader Board, with a list of organizations and donations received, here.

We also note the many examples of the community pulling together to make the event a success including the day of activities where local groups and businesses contributed to the effort — see this list.

Final Donation Count as of 12:00pm PST Sept. 18th: $2100 raised for the Camp! Thanks to all our generous supporters!

Why:  The Camp has many needs, and though there is momentum with a couple of recent grants, we need you to help us continue to provide for basic weekly needs (see a wish list here), and regarding our development goals, you may like to read some recent thoughts by our Board President.

We thank all who donated time and funds!


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