Project Adventure is Camp Wa-Ri-Ki’s monthly giving program. We recognize the commitment you are making when you sign-up to provide sustainable funding for camp programs. Your gifts through Project Adventure help ensure the Camp’s readiness to serve campers of all ages as they engage in our diverse outdoor education programs. For just $10 a month you can become Our Sweet Hero!
Click HERE to join Project Adventure today!
What is the value of contributing to Project Adventure?
- Project Adventure keeps us ready! Monthly donors ensure we can respond to camp emergencies immediately, without being forced to fund raise first. It ensures that when collaborative programs and new cutting edge programs become available, we are able to respond with appropriate staff and resources.
- Project Adventure provides predictable revenue (income). Monthly giving helps Camp Wa-Ri-Ki avoid peaks and valleys of incoming funds, ensuring we can spend more time delivering outdoor education experiences, engaging in strategic planning, providing staff and volunteer training, camp facility improvements, outdoor education program planning – and less time and resources on fundraising.
- Simply put, it sustains our work! Project Adventure supports the Camp’s day-to-day mission and demonstrates an ongoing commitment to our important work. Whether your contribution level provides activity packets to young campers or opens the door for a young teen to learn and explore leadership skills, YOU make a difference!